If you hit three targets or more, you're probably going to refill your entire blood pool.īlood Boil is something that some people don't take because they're soulless monsters. It makes Romero's ridiculously hard quest into a cakewalk. It's good.īlood Salvo is amazing in target rich environments, but you need three targets or more for it to be worthwhile. The real power of this is clear in The Golden Temple, for example.īlood Shield is good. It'll kill human opponents with three applications (two with the blood magic buff item) and they'll be helpless throughout. It's an AOE hold with great damage that isn't broken if you start hitting them. If it kills the target, you don't get blood back. It's mainly focused on AOE though, if you're fighting a hard single target they're either going to be a one shot kill with Blood Boil or a tough fight.īlood Strike is Pretty Ok, but it's also real slow if you're trying to get blood back. It doesn't improve with stats, but it's bonkers good. (I've never done the Tremere thing, and was rushing the Fun with Pestilence quest to get the Haven.) I should probably use Blood Shield, see if that trivialises stuff - Blood Buff plus a knife just seems to be the way to go still, despite having Thaumaturgy 4. Does Thaumaturgy damage increase with your stats at all? Blood Shot does minimal damage, Blood Purge doesn't seem to stun things for long.